Authorize and Capture

When accepting your first payment, you explored a one-step payment flow in which you immediately transferred the charged amount to your acquiring bank. It is also quite common, however, to temporarily lock the funds for a particular payment and only transfer the funds at a later stage. This is known as a two-step, or Authorize-Capture, payment flow: your customer authorizes the payment during checkout, but you only transfer (capture) the funds to your acquiring bank when the goods or services are delivered.

Bear in mind that you need to capture the funds within a specific time period, or else the hold on the funds will be automatically released. This time period differs per provider. Refer to your provider documentation for more information.

Let’s proceed to create an authorize-capture flow. If you imported our Postman Collection, you can follow-along with the examples by invoking the requests in the Authorize-Capture folder.

Step 1: Create the Payment

As you may recall, the first step in a payment flow is always to create a payment using the Create Payment API.

Create the payment like so:

    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '');
    request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    request.setRequestHeader('api-version', '1.3.0');
    request.setRequestHeader('x-payments-os-env', 'test');
    request.setRequestHeader('app-id', 'com.zooz.docapp');
    request.setRequestHeader('private-key', 'bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae');
    request.setRequestHeader('idempotency-key', 'cust-34532-trans-001356-p');
    var body = {
      'amount': 34800,
      'currency': 'EUR',
      'statement_soft_descriptor': 'Oil lamp'};
    curl --compressed -X POST \ \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'api-version: 1.3.0' \
    -H 'x-payments-os-env: test' \
    -H 'app-id: com.zooz.docapp' \
    -H 'private-key: bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae' \
    -H 'idempotency-key: cust-34532-trans-001356-p' \
    -d '{
    "amount": 31602077,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "statement_soft_descriptor": "Oil lamp"

Step 2: Authorize the Payment

The next step is to authorize the payment using the Create Authorization API. This will temporarily lock the funds for the payment. Here’s an example:

    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '{payment_id}/authorizations');
    request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    request.setRequestHeader('api-version', '1.3.0');
    request.setRequestHeader('x-payments-os-env', 'test');
    request.setRequestHeader('app-id', 'com.zooz.docapp');
    request.setRequestHeader('private-key', 'bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae');
    request.setRequestHeader('idempotency-key', 'cust-34532-trans-001356-a');
    var body = {
      'payment_method': {
        'type': 'tokenized',
        'token': '9640e09b-85d0-4509-a19c-90aa65eb386a',
        'credit_card_cvv': '1231'},
      'reconciliation_id': '23434534534'};
    curl --compressed -X POST \{payment_id}/authorizations \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'api-version: 1.3.0' \
    -H 'x-payments-os-env: test' \
    -H 'app-id: com.zooz.docapp' \
    -H 'private-key: bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae' \
    -H 'idempotency-key: cust-34532-trans-001356-p' \
    -d '{
    "payment_method": {
      "type": "tokenized",
      "token": "9640e09b-85d0-4509-a19c-90aa65eb386a",
      "credit_card_cvv": "1231"
    "reconciliation_id": "23434534534"

Step 3: Capture the Funds

When you’re ready to transfer the funds, issue a Create Capture API request:

    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '{payment_id}/captures');'POST', url);
    request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    request.setRequestHeader('api-version', '1.3.0');
    request.setRequestHeader('x-payments-os-env', 'test');
    request.setRequestHeader('app-id', 'com.zooz.docapp');
    request.setRequestHeader('private-key', 'bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae');
    request.setRequestHeader('idempotency-key', 'cust-34532-trans-001356-cap');
    curl --compressed -X POST \{payment_id}/captures \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'api-version: 1.3.0' \
    -H 'x-payments-os-env: test' \
    -H 'app-id: com.zooz.docapp' \
    -H 'private-key: bede7ee5-eaaq-4c9a-bc1f-617ba28256ae' \
    -H 'idempotency-key: cust-34532-trans-001356-p' \
    -d '{
Last modified January 4, 2022