Migrating Card Data

Moving from your current providers involves a three-step process that will go completely unnoticed to your customers (rest assured, they will not need to reenter their card information at any stage during or after the move).

Migration Overview

  1. You contact your providers to request an export of your card data.
  2. We tokenize the card data for you and migrate the cards to PaymentsOS.
  3. You modify your code logic so that existing customers use the card information stored with PaymentsOS.

To ensure a smooth transition, start the process from the moment at which you completed the integration with PaymentsOS and new customers are already storing their card tokens on our servers.

Payment Flow

Let’s explore each of these steps in more detail.

Step 1: You request an export of your card data

To get the process started, work with your current providers to obtain an export of your customers' card information. The card data must be exported to a PGP-encrypted csv file. Contact us at hubtechsupport@payu.com so that we can provide you with a public key for each file that needs to be encrypted. Also ask for the credentials of our SFTP folder to which you can upload the file you created.

You need to make sure the data export includes at least the following fields:

  • card holder name
  • card number
  • expiration date
  • customer reference

Optionally, include the customer’s first name, last and email address as well. Then upload the file to our SFTP folder (if you did not receive the SFTP credentials, contact us at hubtechsupport@payu.com so that we can provide the credentials).

Step 2: We migrate the card data to PaymentsOS

After you send us the encrypted files, we will tokenize the cards, create customers on our server and migrate the card data for you. Pending the migration, your existing customers will still use the card information stored at your providers.

Note that at this stage, there may be a slight possibility that some existing customers will want to update their card information while we are still processing your card data. In this case, make sure you modify your code logic for handling card updates to move those customers to PaymentsOS ‘on the fly’.

Step 3: You modify your code logic

The last step is to modify your code logic so that existing customers use the card information stored with PaymentsOS.

Migration Checklist

The following checklist will help you complete the card migration process.

Step Completed
Contact your account manager to obtain the public key that your provider will use for encrypting the card information file.
Contact your provider and request a data export to a PGP-encrypted csv file. Make sure your provider uses our public key to encrypt the file.
Send the encrypted data export file to hubtechsupport@payu.com.
Once we inform you that the migration has been completed, update your code logic so that existing customers use the card information stored with PaymentsOS. You can fetch a customer's payment method using the Retrieve Customer by Reference API.
Last modified April 16, 2024